Source code for pywb.apps.cli

from gevent.monkey import patch_all; patch_all()
from argparse import ArgumentParser

import logging
import pkg_resources

[docs]def get_version(): """Get version of the pywb""" return "pywb " + pkg_resources.get_distribution("pywb").version
[docs]def warcserver(args=None): """Utility function for starting pywb's WarcServer""" return WarcServerCli(args=args, default_port=8070, desc='pywb WarcServer').run()
[docs]def wayback(args=None): """Utility function for starting pywb's Wayback Machine implementation""" return WaybackCli(args=args, default_port=8080, desc='pywb Wayback Machine Server').run()
[docs]def live_rewrite_server(args=None): """Utility function for starting pywb's Wayback Machine implementation in live mode""" return LiveCli(args=args, default_port=8090, desc='pywb Live Rewrite Proxy Server').run()
[docs]class BaseCli(object): """Base CLI class that provides the initial arg parser setup, calls load to receive the application to be started and starts the application.""" def __init__(self, args=None, default_port=8080, desc=''): """ :param args: CLI arguments :param int default_port: The default port that the application will use :param str desc: The description for the application to be started """ parser = ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument("-V", "--version", action="version", version=get_version()) parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', type=int, default=default_port, help='Port to listen on (default %s)' % default_port) parser.add_argument('-b', '--bind', default='', help='Address to listen on (default') parser.add_argument('-t', '--threads', type=int, default=4, help='Number of threads to use (default 4)') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Enable debug mode') parser.add_argument('--profile', action='store_true', help='Enable profile mode') parser.add_argument('--live', action='store_true', help='Add live-web handler at /live') parser.add_argument('--record', action='store_true', help='Enable recording from the live web') parser.add_argument('--proxy', help='Enable HTTP/S proxy on specified collection') parser.add_argument('-pt', '--proxy-default-timestamp', help='Default timestamp / ISO date to use for proxy requests') parser.add_argument('--proxy-record', action='store_true', help='Enable proxy recording into specified collection') parser.add_argument('--proxy-enable-wombat', action='store_true', help='Enable partial wombat JS overrides support in proxy mode') parser.add_argument('--enable-auto-fetch', action='store_true', help='Enable auto-fetch worker to capture resources from stylesheets, <img srcset> when running in live/recording mode') self.desc = desc self.extra_config = {} self._extend_parser(parser) self.r = parser.parse_args(args) logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s: [%(levelname)s]: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG if self.r.debug else logging.INFO) if self.r.proxy: self.extra_config['proxy'] = { 'coll': self.r.proxy, 'recording': self.r.proxy_record, 'enable_wombat': self.r.proxy_enable_wombat, 'default_timestamp': self.r.proxy_default_timestamp, } = True self.extra_config['enable_auto_fetch'] = self.r.enable_auto_fetch self.application = self.load() if self.r.profile: from werkzeug.contrib.profiler import ProfilerMiddleware self.application = ProfilerMiddleware(self.application) def _extend_parser(self, parser): #pragma: no cover """Method provided for subclasses to add their cli argument on top of the default cli arguments. :param ArgumentParser parser: The argument parser instance passed by BaseCli """ pass
[docs] def load(self): """This method is called to load the application. Subclasses must return a application that can be used by used by pywb.utils.geventserver.GeventServer.""" if self.extra_config['collections'] = {'live': {'index': '$live'}} if self.r.debug: self.extra_config['debug'] = True if self.r.record: self.extra_config['recorder'] = {'source_coll': 'live'}
[docs] def run(self): """Start the application""" self.run_gevent() return self
[docs] def run_gevent(self): """Created the server that runs the application supplied a subclass""" from pywb.utils.geventserver import GeventServer, RequestURIWSGIHandler'Starting Gevent Server on ' + str(self.r.port)) ge = GeventServer(self.application, port=self.r.port, hostname=self.r.bind, handler_class=RequestURIWSGIHandler, direct=True)
[docs]class ReplayCli(BaseCli): """CLI class that adds the cli functionality specific to starting pywb's Wayback Machine implementation""" def _extend_parser(self, parser): parser.add_argument('-a', '--autoindex', action='store_true', help='Enable auto-indexing') parser.add_argument('--auto-interval', type=int, default=30, help='Auto-indexing interval (default 30 seconds)') parser.add_argument('--all-coll', help='Set "all" collection') help_dir='Specify root archive dir (default is current working directory)' parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', help=help_dir)
[docs] def load(self): super(ReplayCli, self).load() if self.r.all_coll: if 'collections' not in self.extra_config: self.extra_config['collections'] = {} self.extra_config['collections'][self.r.all_coll] = '$all' if self.r.autoindex: self.extra_config['autoindex'] = self.r.auto_interval import os if #pragma: no cover os.chdir(
[docs]class WarcServerCli(BaseCli): """CLI class for starting a WarcServer"""
[docs] def load(self): from pywb.warcserver.warcserver import WarcServer super(WarcServerCli, self).load() return WarcServer(custom_config=self.extra_config)
[docs]class WaybackCli(ReplayCli): """CLI class for starting the pywb's implementation of the Wayback Machine"""
[docs] def load(self): from pywb.apps.frontendapp import FrontEndApp super(WaybackCli, self).load() return FrontEndApp(custom_config=self.extra_config)
[docs]class LiveCli(BaseCli): """CLI class for starting pywb in replay server in live mode"""
[docs] def load(self): from pywb.apps.frontendapp import FrontEndApp = True super(LiveCli, self).load() return FrontEndApp(config_file=None, custom_config=self.extra_config)
#============================================================================= if __name__ == "__main__": wayback()