Source code for pywb.apps.wbrequestresponse

from warcio.statusandheaders import StatusAndHeaders

from import no_except_close

    import ujson as json
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import json

# =================================================================
[docs]class WbResponse(object): """Represnts a pywb wsgi response object. Holds a status_headers object and a response iter, to be returned to wsgi container.""" def __init__(self, status_headers, value=None, **kwargs): """ :param StatusAndHeaders status_headers: The StatusAndHeaders object for this response :param Any value: The response body :param Any kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to be passed to subclasses """ if value is None: value = list() self.status_headers = status_headers self.body = value self._init_derived(kwargs) def _init_derived(self, params): """Receive the kwargs used in construction of this class :param Any params: :return: :rtype: None """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod def text_stream(stream, content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8', status='200 OK'): """Utility method for constructing a streaming text response. :param Any stream: The response body stream :param str content_type: The content-type of the response :param str status: The HTTP status line :return: WbResponse that is a text stream :rtype WbResponse: """ if 'charset' not in content_type: content_type += '; charset=utf-8' return WbResponse.bin_stream(WbResponse.encode_stream(stream), content_type, status)
[docs] @staticmethod def encode_stream(stream): """Utility method to encode a stream using utf-8. :param Any stream: The stream to be encoded using utf-8 :return: A generator that yields the contents of the stream encoded as utf-8 """ for obj in stream: yield obj.encode('utf-8')
[docs] @staticmethod def bin_stream(stream, content_type, status='200 OK', headers=None): """Utility method for constructing a binary response. :param Any stream: The response body stream :param str content_type: The content-type of the response :param str status: The HTTP status line :param list[tuple[str, str]] headers: Additional headers for this response :return: WbResponse that is a binary stream :rtype: WbResponse """ def_headers = [('Content-Type', content_type)] if headers: def_headers += headers status_headers = StatusAndHeaders(status, def_headers) return WbResponse(status_headers, value=stream)
[docs] @staticmethod def text_response(text, status='200 OK', content_type='text/plain; charset=utf-8'): """Utility method for constructing a text response. :param str text: The text response body :param str content_type: The content-type of the response :param str status: The HTTP status line :return: WbResponse text response :rtype: WbResponse """ encoded_text = text.encode('utf-8') status_headers = StatusAndHeaders(status, [('Content-Type', content_type), ('Content-Length', str(len(encoded_text)))]) return WbResponse(status_headers, value=[encoded_text])
[docs] @staticmethod def json_response(obj, status='200 OK', content_type='application/json; charset=utf-8'): """Utility method for constructing a JSON response. :param dict obj: The dictionary to be serialized in JSON format :param str content_type: The content-type of the response :param str status: The HTTP status line :return: WbResponse JSON response :rtype: WbResponse """ return WbResponse.text_response(json.dumps(obj), status, content_type)
[docs] @staticmethod def redir_response(location, status='302 Redirect', headers=None): """Utility method for constructing redirection response. :param str location: The location of the resource redirecting to :param str status: The HTTP status line :param list[tuple[str, str]] headers: Additional headers for this response :return: WbResponse redirection response :rtype: WbResponse """ redir_headers = [('Location', location), ('Content-Length', '0')] if headers: redir_headers += headers return WbResponse(StatusAndHeaders(status, redir_headers))
[docs] @staticmethod def options_response(env): """Construct WbResponse for OPTIONS based on the WSGI env dictionary :param dict env: The WSGI environment dictionary :return: The WBResponse for the options request :rtype: WbResponse """ status_headers = StatusAndHeaders('200 Ok', [ ('Content-Type', 'text/plain'), ('Content-Length', '0'), ]) response = WbResponse(status_headers) response.add_access_control_headers(env=env) return response
[docs] def try_fix_errors(self): """Utility method to try remove faulty headers from response. :return: :rtype: None """ for header in self.status_headers.headers: try: header[1].encode('latin1') except UnicodeError: self.status_headers.remove_header(header[0])
def __call__(self, env, start_response): """Callable definition to allow WbResponse control over how the response is sent :param dict env: The WSGI environment dictionary :param function start_response: The WSGI start_response function :return: The response body """ try: start_response(self.status_headers.statusline, self.status_headers.headers) except (UnicodeError, TypeError): self.try_fix_errors() start_response(self.status_headers.statusline, self.status_headers.headers) request_method = env['REQUEST_METHOD'] if request_method == 'HEAD' or request_method == 'OPTIONS' or self.status_headers.statusline.startswith('304'): no_except_close(self.body) return [] return self.body
[docs] def add_range(self, *args): """Add HTTP range header values to this response :param int args: The values for the range HTTP header :return: The same WbResponse but with the values for the range HTTP header added :rtype: WbResponse """ self.status_headers.add_range(*args) return self
[docs] def add_access_control_headers(self, env=None): """Adds Access-Control* HTTP headers to this WbResponse's HTTP headers. :param dict env: The WSGI environment dictionary :return: The same WbResponse but with the values for the Access-Control* HTTP header added :rtype: WbResponse """ allowed_methods = 'GET, POST, PUT, OPTIONS, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, TRACE, CONNECT' allowed_origin = None if env is not None: acr_method = env.get('HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD') if acr_method is not None and acr_method not in allowed_methods: allowed_methods = allowed_methods + ', ' + acr_method r_method = env.get('REQUEST_METHOD') if r_method is not None and r_method not in allowed_methods: allowed_methods = allowed_methods + ', ' + r_method acr_headers = env.get('HTTP_ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS') if acr_headers is not None: self.status_headers.replace_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', acr_headers) allowed_origin = env.get('HTTP_ORIGIN', env.get('HTTP_REFERER', allowed_origin)) if allowed_origin is None: allowed_origin = '*' self.status_headers.replace_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', allowed_origin) self.status_headers.replace_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', allowed_methods) self.status_headers.replace_header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true') self.status_headers.replace_header('Access-Control-Max-Age', '1800') return self
def __repr__(self): return str(vars(self))