Source code for pywb.rewrite.regex_rewriters

import re
from pywb.rewrite.content_rewriter import StreamingRewriter
from pywb.utils.loaders import load_py_name
from six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote

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[docs]class RxRules(object): HTTPX_MATCH_STR = r'https?:\\?/\\?/[A-Za-z0-9:_@.-]+'
[docs] @staticmethod def remove_https(string, _): return string.replace("https", "http")
[docs] @staticmethod def replace_str(replacer, match='this'): return lambda x, _: x.replace(match, replacer)
[docs] @staticmethod def format(template): return lambda string, _: template.format(string)
[docs] @staticmethod def fixed(string): return lambda _, _2: string
[docs] @staticmethod def archival_rewrite(mod=None): return lambda string, rewriter: rewriter.rewrite(string, mod)
[docs] @staticmethod def add_prefix(prefix): return lambda string, _: prefix + string
[docs] @staticmethod def add_suffix(suffix): return lambda string, _: string + suffix
[docs] @staticmethod def compile_rules(rules): # Build regexstr, concatenating regex list regex_str = '|'.join(['(' + rx + ')' for rx, op, count in rules]) # ensure it's not middle of a word, wrap in non-capture group regex_str = '(?<!\w)(?:' + regex_str + ')' return re.compile(regex_str, re.M)
def __init__(self, rules=None): self.rules = rules or [] self.regex = self.compile_rules(self.rules) def __call__(self, extra_rules=None): if not extra_rules: return self.rules, self.regex all_rules = extra_rules + self.rules regex = self.compile_rules(all_rules) return all_rules, regex
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[docs]class JSWombatProxyRules(RxRules): def __init__(self): local_init_func = '\nvar {0} = function(name) {{\ return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && \ self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }};\n\ if (!self.__WB_pmw) {{ self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) {{ this.__WB_source = obj; return this; }} }}\n\ {{\n' local_init_func_name = '_____WB$wombat$assign$function_____' local_init_func = local_init_func.format(local_init_func_name) local_var_line = 'let {0} = {1}("{0}");' # we must use a function to perform the this check because most minfiers reduce the number of statements # by turning everything into one or more expressions. Our previous rewrite was an logical expression, # (this && this._WB_wombat_obj_proxy || this), that would cause the outer expression to be invalid when # it was used as the LHS of certain expressions. # e.g. assignment expressions containing non parenthesized logical expression. # By using a function the expression injected is an call expression that plays nice in those cases this_rw = '_____WB$wombat$check$this$function_____(this)' check_loc = '((self.__WB_check_loc && self.__WB_check_loc(location, arguments)) || {}).href = ' self.local_objs = [ 'window', 'self', 'document', 'location', 'top', 'parent', 'frames', 'opener' ] local_declares = '\n'.join([local_var_line.format(obj, local_init_func_name) for obj in self.local_objs]) local_declares += "\nlet arguments;" prop_str = '|'.join(self.local_objs) rules = [ # rewriting 'eval(...)' - invocation (r'(?<!function\s)(?:^|[^,$])eval\s*\(', self.replace_str('WB_wombat_runEval(function _____evalIsEvil(_______eval_arg$$) { return eval(_______eval_arg$$); }.bind(this)).eval', 'eval'), 0), # rewriting 'x = eval' - no invocation (r'(?<=[=,])\s*\beval\b\s*(?![(:.$])', self.replace_str('self.eval', 'eval'), 0), (r'(?<=\.)postMessage\b\(', self.add_prefix('__WB_pmw(self).'), 0), (r'(?<![$.])\s*location\b\s*[=]\s*(?![=])', self.add_suffix(check_loc), 0), # rewriting 'return this' (r'\breturn\s+this\b\s*(?![.$])', self.replace_str(this_rw), 0), # rewriting 'this.' special properties access on new line, with ; prepended (r'(?<=[\n])\s*this\b(?=(?:\.(?:{0})\b))'.format(prop_str), self.replace_str(';' + this_rw), 0), # rewriting 'this.' special properties access, not on new line (no ;) (r'(?<![$.])\s*this\b(?=(?:\.(?:{0})\b))'.format(prop_str), self.replace_str(this_rw), 0), # rewrite '= this' or ', this' (r'(?<=[=,])\s*this\b\s*(?![:.$])', self.replace_str(this_rw), 0), # rewrite ')(this)' ('\}(?:\s*\))?\s*\(this\)', self.replace_str(this_rw), 0), # rewrite this in && or || expr? (r'(?<=[^|&][|&]{2})\s*this\b\s*(?![|&.$]([^|&]|$))', self.replace_str(this_rw), 0), ] super(JSWombatProxyRules, self).__init__(rules) self.first_buff = local_init_func + local_declares + '\n\n{' self.last_buff = '\n\n}}'
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[docs]class RegexRewriter(StreamingRewriter): rules_factory = RxRules() def __init__(self, rewriter, extra_rules=None, first_buff=''): super(RegexRewriter, self).__init__(rewriter, first_buff=first_buff) # rules = self.create_rules(http_prefix) self.rules, self.regex = self.rules_factory(extra_rules)
[docs] def filter(self, m): return True
[docs] def rewrite(self, string): return self.regex.sub(lambda x: self.replace(x), string)
[docs] def replace(self, m): i = 0 for _, op, count in self.rules: i += 1 full_m = i while count > 0: i += 1 count -= 1 if not continue # Optional filter to skip matches if not self.filter(m): return # Custom func # if not hasattr(op, '__call__'): # op = RegexRewriter.DEFAULT_OP(op) result = op(, self.url_rewriter) final_str = result # if extracting partial match if i != full_m: final_str = m.string[m.start(full_m):m.start(i)] final_str += result final_str += m.string[m.end(i):m.end(full_m)] return final_str
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_rules_from_config(config): def run_parse_rules(rewriter): def parse_rule(obj): match = obj.get('match') if 'rewrite' in obj: replace = RxRules.archival_rewrite() elif 'function' in obj: replace = load_py_name(obj['function']) else: replace = RxRules.format(obj.get('replace', '{0}')) group = obj.get('group', 0) result = (match, replace, group) return result return list(map(parse_rule, config)) return run_parse_rules
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[docs]class JSLocationRewriterRules(RxRules): """ JS Rewriter mixin which rewrites location and domain to the specified prefix (default: ``WB_wombat_``) """ def __init__(self, prefix='WB_wombat_'): super(JSLocationRewriterRules, self).__init__(self.get_rules(prefix))
[docs] def get_rules(self, prefix): rules = [ (r'(?<![$\'"])\b(?:location|top)\b(?![$\'":])', self.add_prefix(prefix), 0), (r'(?<=[?])\s*(?:\w+[.])?(location)\s*(?=[:])', self.add_prefix(prefix), 1), (r'(?<=\.)postMessage\b\(', self.add_prefix('__WB_pmw(self.window).'), 0), (r'(?<=\.)frameElement\b', self.add_prefix(prefix), 0), ] return rules
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[docs]class JSLinkAndLocationRewriterRules(JSLocationRewriterRules): """ JS Rewriter rules which also rewrite absolute http://, https:// and // urls at the beginning of a string """ # JS_HTTPX = r'(?:(?:(?<=["\';])https?:)|(?<=["\']))\\{0,4}/\\{0,4}/[A-Za-z0-9:_@.-]+.*(?=["\s\';&\\])' # JS_HTTPX = r'(?<=["\';])(?:https?:)?\\{0,4}/\\{0,4}/[A-Za-z0-9:_@.\-/\\?&#]+(?=["\';&\\])' # JS_HTTPX = r'(?:(?<=["\';])https?:|(?<=["\']))\\{0,4}/\\{0,4}/[A-Za-z0-9:_@.-][^"\s\';&\\]*(?=["\';&\\])' JS_HTTPX = r'(?:(?<=["\';])https?:|(?<=["\']))\\{0,4}/\\{0,4}/[A-Za-z0-9:_@%.\\-]+/'
[docs] def get_rules(self, prefix): rules = super(JSLinkAndLocationRewriterRules, self).get_rules(prefix) rules.append((self.JS_HTTPX, RxRules.archival_rewrite(), 0)) return rules
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[docs]class JSLocationOnlyRewriter(RegexRewriter): rules_factory = JSLocationRewriterRules()
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[docs]class JSLinkAndLocationRewriter(RegexRewriter): rules_factory = JSLinkAndLocationRewriterRules()
JSRewriter = JSLinkAndLocationRewriter # =================================================================
[docs]class JSWombatProxyRewriter(RegexRewriter): """ JS Rewriter mixin which wraps the contents of the script in an anonymous block scope and inserts Wombat js-proxy setup """ rules_factory = JSWombatProxyRules() def __init__(self, rewriter, extra_rules=None): super(JSWombatProxyRewriter, self).__init__(rewriter, extra_rules=extra_rules) self.first_buff = self.rules_factory.first_buff self.last_buff = self.rules_factory.last_buff self.local_objs = self.rules_factory.local_objs
[docs] def rewrite_complete(self, string, **kwargs): if not kwargs.get('inline_attr'): return super(JSWombatProxyRewriter, self).rewrite_complete(string) # check if any of the wrapped objects are used in the script # if not, don't rewrite if not any(obj in string for obj in self.local_objs): return string if string.startswith('javascript:'): string = 'javascript:' + self.first_buff + self.rewrite(string[len('javascript:'):]) else: string = self.first_buff + self.rewrite(string) string += self.last_buff string = string.replace('\n', '') return string
[docs] def final_read(self): return self.last_buff
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[docs]class JSNoneRewriter(RegexRewriter): pass
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[docs]class JSReplaceFuzzy(object): rx_obj = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(JSReplaceFuzzy, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if not self.rx_obj: self.rx_obj = re.compile(self.rx)
[docs] def rewrite(self, string): string = super(JSReplaceFuzzy, self).rewrite(string) cdx = self.url_rewriter.rewrite_opts['cdx'] if cdx.get('is_fuzzy'): expected = unquote(cdx['url']) actual = unquote(self.url_rewriter.wburl.url) exp_m = act_m = if exp_m and act_m: result = string.replace(, if result != string: string = result return string
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[docs]class CSSRules(RxRules): CSS_URL_REGEX = "url\\s*\\(\\s*(?:[\\\\\"']|(?:&.{1,4};))*\\s*([^)'\"]+)\\s*(?:[\\\\\"']|(?:&.{1,4};))*\\s*\\)" CSS_IMPORT_REGEX = ("@import\\s+(?:url\\s*)?\\(?\\s*['\"]?([\w.:/\\\\-]+)") def __init__(self): rules = [ (self.CSS_URL_REGEX, self.archival_rewrite('oe_'), 1), (self.CSS_IMPORT_REGEX, self.archival_rewrite('cs_'), 1), ] super(CSSRules, self).__init__(rules)
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[docs]class CSSRewriter(RegexRewriter): rules_factory = CSSRules()
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[docs]class XMLRules(RxRules): def __init__(self): rules = [ ('([A-Za-z:]+[\s=]+)?["\'\s]*(' + self.HTTPX_MATCH_STR + ')', self.archival_rewrite(), 2), ] super(XMLRules, self).__init__(rules)
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[docs]class XMLRewriter(RegexRewriter): rules_factory = XMLRules() # custom filter to reject 'xmlns' attr
[docs] def filter(self, m): attr = if attr and attr.startswith('xmlns'): return False return True