Source code for pywb.manager.aclmanager

import os
import re
import sys

from pywb.manager.manager import CollectionsManager
from pywb.utils.canonicalize import canonicalize
from pywb.warcserver.access_checker import AccessChecker
from pywb.warcserver.index.cdxobject import CDXObject

# ============================================================================
[docs]class ACLManager(CollectionsManager): SURT_RX = re.compile('([^:.]+[,)])+') VALID_ACCESS = ('allow', 'block', 'exclude', 'allow_ignore_embargo') DEFAULT_FILE = 'access-rules.aclj' def __init__(self, r): """ :param argparse.Namespace r: Parsed result from ArgumentParser :rtype: None """ self.rules = [] coll_name = r.coll_name if not self.is_valid_auto_coll(r.coll_name): coll_name = '' = r.coll_name super(ACLManager, self).__init__(coll_name, must_exist=False) self.acl_file = None
[docs] def process(self, r): """ Process acl command :param argparse.Namespace r: Parsed result from ArgumentParser :rtype: None """ # if target exists as a file, use that if os.path.isfile( self.acl_file = # otherwise, if auto collection, use default file in ./collections/<coll>/acl/<DEFAULT_FILE> elif os.path.isdir(self.curr_coll_dir): self.acl_file = os.path.join(self.acl_dir, self.DEFAULT_FILE) # else, assume filename (may not exist yet) else: self.acl_file = # for add/import, file doesn't have to exist if r.op in ('add', 'importtxt'): self.load_acl(False) # for other ops (except matching), ensure entire file loads successfully, log errors elif r.op not in ('match'): if not self.load_acl(True): sys.exit(2) return # if 'validate', the command itself is validation if r.op != 'validate': self.validate() r.acl_func(self, r)
[docs] def is_valid_auto_coll(self, coll_name): """Returns T/F indicating if the supplied collection name is a valid collection :param coll_name: The collection name to check :return: T/F indicating a valid collection :rtype: bool """ if not self.COLL_RX.match(coll_name): return False if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.COLLS_DIR, coll_name)): return False return True
[docs] def load_acl(self, must_exist=True): """Loads the access control list :param bool must_exist: Does the acl file have to exist :return: T/F indicating load success :rtype: bool """ try: with open(self.acl_file, 'rb') as fh: for line in fh: if line: self.rules.append(CDXObject(line)) return True except IOError as io: if must_exist: print('Error Occurred: ' + str(io)) return False except Exception as e: print('Error Occurred: ' + str(e)) return False
[docs] def save_acl(self, r=None): """Save the contents of the rules as cdxj entries to the access control list file :param argparse.Namespace|None r: Not used :rtype: None """ try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.acl_file)) except OSError: pass try: with open(self.acl_file, 'wb') as fh: for acl in self.rules: fh.write(acl.to_cdxj().encode('utf-8')) except Exception as e: print('Error Saving ACL Rules: ' + str(e))
[docs] def to_key(self, url_or_surt, exact_match=False): """ If 'url_or_surt' already a SURT, use as is If exact match, add the exact match suffix :param str url_or_surt: The url or surt to be converted to an acl key :param bool exact_match: Should the exact match suffix be added to key :rtype: str """ if result = url_or_surt else: result = canonicalize(url_or_surt) if exact_match: result += AccessChecker.EXACT_SUFFIX return result
[docs] def validate_access(self, access): """Returns true if the supplied access value is valid otherwise terminates the process :param str access: The access value to be validated :return: True if valid :rtype: bool """ if access not in self.VALID_ACCESS: print('Valid access values are: ' + ', '.join(self.VALID_ACCESS)) sys.exit(1) return True
[docs] def add_rule(self, r): """Adds a rule the ACL manager :param argparse.Namespace r: The argparse namespace representing the rule to be added :rtype: None """ return self._add_rule(r.url, r.access, r.exact_match, r.user)
def _add_rule(self, url, access, exact_match=False, user=None): """Adds an rule to the acl file :param str url: The URL for the rule :param str access: The access value for the rule :param bool exact_match: Is the rule to be added an exact match :rtype: None """ if not self.validate_access(access): return acl = CDXObject() acl['urlkey'] = self.to_key(url, exact_match) acl['timestamp'] = '-' acl['access'] = access acl['url'] = url if user: acl['user'] = user i = 0 replace = False for rule in self.rules: if acl['urlkey'] == rule['urlkey'] and acl['timestamp'] == rule['timestamp'] and acl.get('user') == rule.get('user'): replace = True break if acl > rule: break i += 1 if replace: print('Existing Rule Found, Replacing:') self.print_rule(self.rules[i]) print('with:') self.print_rule(acl) self.rules[i] = acl else: print('Added new Rule:') self.print_rule(acl) self.rules.insert(i, acl) self.save_acl()
[docs] def validate_save(self, r=None, log=False): """Validates the acl rules and saves the file :param argparse.Namespace|None r: Not used :param bool log: Should a report be printed to stdout :rtype: None """ self.validate(log=log, correct=True)
[docs] def validate(self, log=False, correct=False): """Validates the acl rules returning T/F if the list should be saved :param bool log: Should the results of validating be logged to stdout :param bool correct: Should invalid results be corrected and saved :rtype: None """ last_rule = None out_of_order = False for rule in self.rules: if last_rule and rule > last_rule: out_of_order = True break last_rule = rule if out_of_order: if log: print('Rules out of order, resorting') if correct: self.rules.sort(reverse=True) self.save_acl() elif log: print('Rules in order')
[docs] def remove_rule(self, r): """Removes a rule from the acl file :param argparse.Namespace r: Parsed result from ArgumentParser :rtype: None """ i = 0 urlkey = self.to_key(r.url, r.exact_match) for rule in self.rules: if urlkey == rule['urlkey'] and r.user == rule.get('user'): acl = self.rules.pop(i) print('Removed Rule:') self.print_rule(acl) self.save_acl() return i += 1 print('Rule to remove not found!')
[docs] def list_rules(self, r): """Print the acl rules to the stdout :param argparse.Namespace|None r: Not used :rtype: None """ print('Rules for {0} from {1}:'.format(, self.acl_file)) print('') for rule in self.rules: sys.stdout.write(rule.to_cdxj()) print('')
[docs] def find_match(self, r): """Finds a matching acl rule :param argparse.Namespace r: Parsed result from ArgumentParser :rtype: None """ access_checker = AccessChecker(self.acl_file, '<default>') rule = access_checker.find_access_rule(r.url, acl_user=r.user) print('Matched rule:') print('') if rule['urlkey'] == '': print(' <No Match, Using Default Rule>') print('') else: self.print_rule(rule)
[docs] def add_excludes(self, r): """ Import old-style excludes, in url-per-line format :param argparse.Namespace r: Parsed result from ArgumentParser """ if not self.validate_access(r.access): return try: with open(r.filename, 'rb') as fh: count = 0 for url in fh: url = url.decode('utf-8').strip() self._add_rule(url, r.access) count += 1 print('Added or replaced {0} rules from '.format(count) + r.filename) except Exception as e: print('Error Importing: ' + str(e)) sys.exit(1)
[docs] def print_rule(self, rule): """Prints the supplied rule to the std out :param CDXObject rule: The rule to be printed :rtype: None """ print(' ' + rule.to_cdxj())
[docs] @classmethod def init_parser(cls, parser): """Initializes an argument parser for acl commands :param argparse.ArgumentParser parser: The parser to be initialized :rtype: None """ subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='op') subparsers.required = True def command(name, *args, **kwargs): op = subparsers.add_parser(name) for arg in args: if arg == 'default_access': op.add_argument(arg, nargs='?', default='allow') else: op.add_argument(arg) if kwargs.get('user_opt'): op.add_argument('-u', '--user') if kwargs.get('exact_opt'): op.add_argument('-e', '--exact-match', action='store_true', default=False) op.set_defaults(acl_func=kwargs['func']) command('add', 'coll_name', 'url', 'access', func=cls.add_rule, exact_opt=True, user_opt=True) command('remove', 'coll_name', 'url', func=cls.remove_rule, exact_opt=True, user_opt=True) command('list', 'coll_name', func=cls.list_rules) command('validate', 'coll_name', func=cls.validate_save) command('match', 'coll_name', 'url', 'default_access', func=cls.find_match, user_opt=True) command('importtxt', 'coll_name', 'filename', 'access', func=cls.add_excludes)