Source code for pywb.manager.manager

import os
import shutil
import sys
import logging
import heapq
import yaml
import re
import gzip
import six

from distutils.util import strtobool
from pkg_resources import resource_string, get_distribution

from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter
from tempfile import mkdtemp
from zipfile import ZipFile

from pywb.utils.loaders import load_yaml_config
from warcio.timeutils import timestamp20_now

from pywb import DEFAULT_CONFIG

from six.moves import input

# to allow testing by mocking get_input

[docs]def get_input(msg): # pragma: no cover return input(msg)
[docs]def get_version(): """Get version of the pywb""" return "wb-manager " + get_distribution("pywb").version
[docs]class CollectionsManager(object): """ This utility is designed to simplify the creation and management of web archive collections It may be used via cmdline to setup and maintain the directory structure expected by pywb """ DEF_INDEX_FILE = 'index.cdxj' COLL_RX = re.compile('^[\w][-\w]*$') COLLS_DIR = 'collections' WARC_RX = re.compile(r'.*\.w?arc(\.gz)?$') WACZ_RX = re.compile(r'.*\.wacz$') def __init__(self, coll_name, colls_dir=None, must_exist=True): colls_dir = colls_dir or self.COLLS_DIR self.default_config = load_yaml_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG) if coll_name and not self.COLL_RX.match(coll_name): raise ValueError('Invalid Collection Name: ' + coll_name) self.colls_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), colls_dir) self.change_collection(coll_name) if must_exist: self._assert_coll_exists()
[docs] def change_collection(self, coll_name): self.coll_name = coll_name self.curr_coll_dir = os.path.join(self.colls_dir, coll_name) self.archive_dir = self._get_dir('archive_paths') self.indexes_dir = self._get_dir('index_paths') self.static_dir = self._get_dir('static_path') self.templates_dir = self._get_dir('templates_dir') self.acl_dir = self._get_dir('acl_paths')
[docs] def list_colls(self): print('Collections:') if not os.path.isdir(self.colls_dir): msg = ('"Collections" directory not found. ' + 'To create a new collection, run:\n\n{0} init <name>') raise IOError(msg.format(sys.argv[0])) for d in os.listdir(self.colls_dir): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.colls_dir, d)): print('- ' + d)
def _get_root_dir(self, name): return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.default_config[name]) def _get_dir(self, name): return os.path.join(self.curr_coll_dir, self.default_config[name]) def _create_dir(self, dirname): if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname)'Created Directory: ' + dirname)
[docs] def add_collection(self): os.makedirs(self.curr_coll_dir)'Created Directory: ' + self.curr_coll_dir) self._create_dir(self.archive_dir) self._create_dir(self.indexes_dir) self._create_dir(self.static_dir) self._create_dir(self.templates_dir) self._create_dir(self._get_root_dir('static_path')) self._create_dir(self._get_root_dir('templates_dir'))
def _assert_coll_exists(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.curr_coll_dir): msg = ('Collection {0} does not exist. ' + 'To create a new collection, run\n\n{1} init {0}') raise IOError(msg.format(self.coll_name, sys.argv[0]))
[docs] def add_archives(self, archives, uncompress_wacz=False): if not os.path.isdir(self.archive_dir): raise IOError('Directory {0} does not exist'. format(self.archive_dir)) invalid_archives = [] warc_paths = [] for archive in archives: if self.WARC_RX.match(archive): full_path = self._add_warc(archive) if full_path: warc_paths.append(full_path) elif self.WACZ_RX.match(archive): if uncompress_wacz: self._add_wacz_uncompressed(archive) else: raise NotImplementedError('Adding waczs without unpacking is not yet implemented. Use ' '\'--uncompress-wacz\' flag to add the wacz\'s content.') else: invalid_archives.append(archive) self._index_merge_warcs(warc_paths, self.DEF_INDEX_FILE) if invalid_archives: logging.warning(f'Invalid archives weren\'t added: {", ".join(invalid_archives)}')
def _add_warc(self, warc): filename = os.path.abspath(warc) # don't overwrite existing warcs with duplicate names if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.archive_dir, os.path.basename(filename))): logging.warning(f'Warc {filename} wasn\'t added because of duplicate name.') return None shutil.copy2(filename, self.archive_dir) full_path = os.path.join(self.archive_dir, filename)'Copied ' + filename + ' to ' + self.archive_dir) return full_path def _add_wacz_uncompressed(self, wacz): wacz = os.path.abspath(wacz) temp_dir = mkdtemp() warc_regex = re.compile(r'.+\.warc(\.gz)?$') cdx_regex = re.compile(r'.+\.cdx(\.gz)?$') with ZipFile(wacz, 'r') as wacz_zip_file: archive_members = wacz_zip_file.namelist() warc_files = [file for file in archive_members if warc_regex.match(file)] if not warc_files: logging.warning(f'WACZ {wacz} does not contain any warc files.') return # extract warc files for warc_file in warc_files: wacz_zip_file.extract(warc_file, temp_dir) cdx_files = [file for file in archive_members if cdx_regex.match(file)] if not cdx_files: logging.warning(f'WACZ {wacz} does not contain any indices.') return for cdx_file in cdx_files: wacz_zip_file.extract(cdx_file, temp_dir) # copy extracted warc files to collections archive dir, use wacz filename as filename with added index if # multiple warc files exist warc_filename_mapping = {} full_paths = [] for idx, extracted_warc_file in enumerate(warc_files): _, warc_ext = os.path.splitext(extracted_warc_file) if warc_ext == '.gz': warc_ext = '.warc.gz' warc_filename = os.path.basename(wacz) warc_filename, _ = os.path.splitext(warc_filename) warc_filename = f'{warc_filename}-{idx}{warc_ext}' warc_destination_path = os.path.join(self.archive_dir, warc_filename) if os.path.exists(warc_destination_path): logging.warning(f'Warc {warc_filename} wasn\'t added because of duplicate name.') continue warc_filename_mapping[os.path.basename(extracted_warc_file)] = warc_filename shutil.copy2(os.path.join(temp_dir, extracted_warc_file), warc_destination_path) full_paths.append(warc_destination_path) # rewrite filenames in wacz indices and merge them with collection index file for cdx_file in cdx_files: self._add_wacz_index(os.path.join(self.indexes_dir, self.DEF_INDEX_FILE), os.path.join(temp_dir, cdx_file), warc_filename_mapping) # delete temporary files shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) @staticmethod def _add_wacz_index(collection_index_path, wacz_index_path, filename_mapping): from pywb.warcserver.index.cdxobject import CDXObject # copy collection index to temporary directory tempdir = mkdtemp() collection_index_name = os.path.basename(collection_index_path) collection_index_temp_path = os.path.join(tempdir, collection_index_name) if os.path.exists(collection_index_path): shutil.copy2(collection_index_path, collection_index_temp_path) with open(collection_index_temp_path, 'a') as collection_index_temp_file: if wacz_index_path.endswith('.gz'): wacz_index_file =, 'rb') else: wacz_index_file = open(wacz_index_path, 'rb') collection_index_temp_file.write('\n') for line in wacz_index_file.readlines(): cdx_object = CDXObject(cdxline=line) if cdx_object['filename'] in filename_mapping: cdx_object['filename'] = filename_mapping[cdx_object['filename']] collection_index_temp_file.write(cdx_object.to_cdxj()) wacz_index_file.close() # copy temporary index back to original location and delete temporary directory shutil.move(collection_index_temp_path, collection_index_path) shutil.rmtree(tempdir)
[docs] def reindex(self): cdx_file = os.path.join(self.indexes_dir, self.DEF_INDEX_FILE)'Indexing ' + self.archive_dir + ' to ' + cdx_file) self._cdx_index(cdx_file, [self.archive_dir])
def _cdx_index(self, out, input_, rel_root=None): from pywb.indexer.cdxindexer import write_multi_cdx_index options = dict(append_post=True, cdxj=True, sort=True, recurse=True, rel_root=rel_root) write_multi_cdx_index(out, input_, **options)
[docs] def index_merge(self, filelist, index_file): wrongdir = 'Skipping {0}, must be in {1} archive directory' notfound = 'Skipping {0}, file not found' filtered_warcs = [] # Check that warcs are actually in archive dir abs_archive_dir = os.path.abspath(self.archive_dir) for f in filelist: abs_filepath = os.path.abspath(f) prefix = os.path.commonprefix([abs_archive_dir, abs_filepath]) if prefix != abs_archive_dir: raise IOError(wrongdir.format(abs_filepath, abs_archive_dir)) elif not os.path.isfile(abs_filepath): raise IOError(notfound.format(f)) else: filtered_warcs.append(abs_filepath) self._index_merge_warcs(filtered_warcs, index_file, abs_archive_dir)
def _index_merge_warcs(self, new_warcs, index_file, rel_root=None): cdx_file = os.path.join(self.indexes_dir, index_file) temp_file = cdx_file + '.tmp.' + timestamp20_now() self._cdx_index(temp_file, new_warcs, rel_root) # no existing file, so just make it the new file if not os.path.isfile(cdx_file): shutil.move(temp_file, cdx_file) return merged_file = temp_file + '.merged' last_line = None with open(cdx_file, 'rb') as orig_index: with open(temp_file, 'rb') as new_index: with open(merged_file, 'w+b') as merged: for line in heapq.merge(orig_index, new_index): if last_line != line: merged.write(line) last_line = line shutil.move(merged_file, cdx_file) #os.rename(merged_file, cdx_file) os.remove(temp_file)
[docs] def set_metadata(self, namevalue_pairs): metadata_yaml = os.path.join(self.curr_coll_dir, 'metadata.yaml') metadata = None if os.path.isfile(metadata_yaml): with open(metadata_yaml, 'rb') as fh: metadata = yaml.safe_load(fh) if not metadata: metadata = {} msg = 'Metadata params must be in the form "name=value"' for pair in namevalue_pairs: v = pair.split('=', 1) if len(v) != 2: raise ValueError(msg) print('Set {0}={1}'.format(v[0], v[1])) metadata[v[0]] = v[1] with open(metadata_yaml, 'w+b') as fh: fh.write(yaml.dump(metadata, default_flow_style=False).encode('utf-8'))
def _load_templates_map(self): defaults = load_yaml_config(DEFAULT_CONFIG) temp_dir = defaults['templates_dir'] # Coll Templates templates = defaults['html_templates'] for name in templates: defaults[name] = os.path.join(temp_dir, defaults[name]) return defaults, templates
[docs] def list_templates(self): defaults, templates = self._load_templates_map() print('HTML Shared and Per-Collection Templates') for n in templates: v = defaults[n] print('- {0}: (pywb/{1})'.format(n, v))
def _confirm_overwrite(self, full_path, msg, ignore=False): if not os.path.isfile(full_path): return True if ignore: return False res = get_input(msg) try: res = strtobool(res) except ValueError: res = False if not res and not ignore: raise IOError('Skipping, {0} already exists'.format(full_path)) def _get_template_path(self, template_name, verb): defaults, templates = self._load_templates_map() try: filename = defaults[template_name] if not self.coll_name: full_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename) else: full_path = os.path.join(self.templates_dir, os.path.basename(filename)) except KeyError: msg = 'template name must be one of {0}' msg = msg.format(templates) raise KeyError(msg) return full_path, filename
[docs] def add_template(self, template_name, force=False, ignore=False): full_path, filename = self._get_template_path(template_name, 'add') msg = ('Template file "{0}" ({1}) already exists. ' + 'Overwrite with default template? (y/n) ') msg = msg.format(full_path, template_name) if not force: res = self._confirm_overwrite(full_path, msg, ignore) if ignore and not res: return os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(full_path), exist_ok=True) data = resource_string('pywb', filename) with open(full_path, 'w+b') as fh: fh.write(data) full_path = os.path.abspath(full_path) msg = 'Copied default template "{0}" to "{1}"' print(msg.format(filename, full_path)) if template_name != "base_html": self.add_template("base_html", force=False, ignore=True)
[docs] def remove_template(self, template_name, force=False): full_path, filename = self._get_template_path(template_name, 'remove') if not os.path.isfile(full_path): msg = 'Template "{0}" does not exist.' raise IOError(msg.format(full_path)) msg = 'Delete template file "{0}" ({1})? (y/n) ' msg = msg.format(full_path, template_name) if not force: self._confirm_overwrite(full_path, msg) os.remove(full_path) print('Removed template file "{0}"'.format(full_path))
[docs] def migrate_cdxj(self, path, force=False): from pywb.manager.migrate import MigrateCDX migrate = MigrateCDX(path) count = migrate.count_cdx() if count == 0: print('Index files up-to-date, nothing to convert') return msg = 'Convert {0} index files? (y/n)'.format(count) if not force: res = get_input(msg) try: res = strtobool(res) except ValueError: res = False if not res: return migrate.convert_to_cdxj()
[docs]def main(args=None): description = """ Create manage file based web archive collections """ # format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s: [%(levelname)s]: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) parser = ArgumentParser(description=description, # epilog=epilog, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("-V", "--version", action="version", version=get_version()) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='type') subparsers.required = True # Init Coll def do_init(r): m = CollectionsManager(r.coll_name, must_exist=False) m.add_collection() init_help = 'Init new collection, create all collection directories' init = subparsers.add_parser('init', help=init_help) init.add_argument('coll_name') init.set_defaults(func=do_init) # List Colls def do_list(r): m = CollectionsManager('', must_exist=False) m.list_colls() list_help = 'List Collections' listcmd = subparsers.add_parser('list', help=list_help) listcmd.set_defaults(func=do_list) # Add Warcs or Waczs def do_add(r): m = CollectionsManager(r.coll_name) m.add_archives(r.files, r.uncompress_wacz) add_archives_help = 'Copy ARCS/WARCS/WACZ to collection directory and reindex' add_archives = subparsers.add_parser('add', help=add_archives_help) add_archives.add_argument('--uncompress-wacz', dest='uncompress_wacz', action='store_true') add_archives.add_argument('coll_name') add_archives.add_argument('files', nargs='+') add_archives.set_defaults(func=do_add) # Reindex All def do_reindex(r): m = CollectionsManager(r.coll_name) m.reindex() reindex_help = 'Re-Index entire collection' reindex = subparsers.add_parser('reindex', help=reindex_help) reindex.add_argument('coll_name') reindex.set_defaults(func=do_reindex) # Index warcs def do_index(r): m = CollectionsManager(r.coll_name) m.index_merge(r.files, m.DEF_INDEX_FILE) indexwarcs_help = 'Index specified ARC/WARC files in the collection' indexwarcs = subparsers.add_parser('index', help=indexwarcs_help) indexwarcs.add_argument('coll_name') indexwarcs.add_argument('files', nargs='+') indexwarcs.set_defaults(func=do_index) # Set metadata def do_metadata(r): m = CollectionsManager(r.coll_name) m.set_metadata(r.set) metadata_help = 'Set Metadata' metadata = subparsers.add_parser('metadata', help=metadata_help) metadata.add_argument('coll_name') metadata.add_argument('--set', nargs='+') metadata.set_defaults(func=do_metadata) # Add default template def do_add_template(r): m = CollectionsManager(r.coll_name, must_exist=False) if r.add: m.add_template(r.add, r.force) elif r.remove: m.remove_template(r.remove, r.force) elif r.list: m.list_templates() template_help = 'Add default html template for customization' template = subparsers.add_parser('template', help=template_help) template.add_argument('coll_name', nargs='?', default='') template.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true') template.add_argument('--add') template.add_argument('--remove') template.add_argument('--list', action='store_true') template.set_defaults(func=do_add_template) # Migrate CDX def do_migrate(r): m = CollectionsManager('', must_exist=False) m.migrate_cdxj(r.path, r.force) migrate_help = 'Convert any existing archive indexes to new json format' migrate = subparsers.add_parser('cdx-convert', help=migrate_help) migrate.add_argument('path', default='./', nargs='?') migrate.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true') migrate.set_defaults(func=do_migrate) # ACL from pywb.manager.aclmanager import ACLManager def do_acl(r): acl = ACLManager(r) acl.process(r) acl_help = 'Configure Access Control Lists (ACL) for a collection' acl = subparsers.add_parser('acl', help=acl_help) ACLManager.init_parser(acl) acl.set_defaults(func=do_acl) # LOC from pywb.manager.locmanager import LocManager, loc_avail def do_loc(r): if not loc_avail: print("You must install i18n extensions with 'pip install pywb[i18n]' to use localization features") return loc = LocManager() loc.process(r) loc_help = 'Generate strings for i18n/localization' loc = subparsers.add_parser('i18n', help=loc_help) if loc_avail: LocManager.init_parser(loc) loc.set_defaults(func=do_loc) # Parse r = parser.parse_args(args=args) r.func(r)
# special wrapper for cli to avoid printing stack trace
[docs]def main_wrap_exc(): # pragma: no cover try: main() except Exception as e: print('Error: ' + str(e)) sys.exit(2)
if __name__ == "__main__": main_wrap_exc()