Source code for pywb.rewrite.rewrite_hls

import re
from io import BytesIO

from pywb.rewrite.content_rewriter import BufferedRewriter

# ============================================================================
[docs]class RewriteHLS(BufferedRewriter): EXT_INF = re.compile('#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:(?:.*[,])?BANDWIDTH=([\d]+)') EXT_RESOLUTION = re.compile('RESOLUTION=([\d]+)x([\d]+)')
[docs] def rewrite_stream(self, stream, rwinfo): max_resolution, max_bandwidth = self._get_adaptive_metadata(rwinfo) buff = lines = buff.decode('utf-8').split('\n') indexes = [] count = 0 best_index = None best_bandwidth = 0 best_resolution = 0 for line in lines: m = self.EXT_INF.match(line) if m: indexes.append(count) curr_bandwidth = int( # resolution m2 = if m2: curr_resolution = int( * int( else: curr_resolution = 0 if max_resolution and curr_resolution: if curr_resolution > best_resolution and curr_resolution <= max_resolution: best_resolution = curr_resolution best_bandwidth = curr_bandwidth best_index = count elif curr_bandwidth > best_bandwidth and curr_bandwidth <= max_bandwidth: best_resolution = curr_resolution best_bandwidth = curr_bandwidth best_index = count count = count + 1 if indexes and best_index is not None: indexes.remove(best_index) for index in reversed(indexes): del lines[index + 1] del lines[index] buff_io = BytesIO() buff_io.write('\n'.join(lines).encode('utf-8')) return buff_io