Source code for pywb.rewrite.rewrite_dash

from contextlib import closing
from io import BytesIO
import json

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from pywb.rewrite.content_rewriter import BufferedRewriter

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[docs]class RewriteDASH(BufferedRewriter):
[docs] def rewrite_stream(self, stream, rwinfo): res_buff, best_ids = self.rewrite_dash(stream, rwinfo) return res_buff
[docs] def rewrite_dash(self, stream, rwinfo): max_resolution, max_bandwidth = self._get_adaptive_metadata(rwinfo) ET.register_namespace('', 'urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011') namespaces = {'mpd': 'urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011'} tree = ET.ElementTree() tree.parse(stream) root = tree.getroot() best_ids = [] for period in root.findall('mpd:Period', namespaces): for adaptset in period.findall('mpd:AdaptationSet', namespaces): best = None best_resolution = 0 best_bandwidth = 0 for repres in adaptset.findall('mpd:Representation', namespaces): curr_resolution = int(repres.get('width', '0')) * int(repres.get('height', '0')) curr_bandwidth = int(repres.get('bandwidth', 0)) if curr_resolution and max_resolution: if curr_resolution <= max_resolution and curr_resolution > best_resolution: best_resolution = curr_resolution best_bandwidth = curr_bandwidth best = repres elif curr_bandwidth <= max_bandwidth and curr_bandwidth > best_bandwidth: best_resolution = curr_resolution best_bandwidth = curr_bandwidth best = repres if best is not None: best_ids.append(best.get('id')) for repres in adaptset.findall('mpd:Representation', namespaces): if repres != best: adaptset.remove(repres) buff_io = BytesIO() tree.write(buff_io, encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True) return buff_io, best_ids
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[docs]def rewrite_fb_dash(string, *args): DASH_SPLITS = [r'\n",dash_prefetched_representation_ids:', r'\n","dash_prefetched_representation_ids":'] inx = -1 split = None for split in DASH_SPLITS: inx = string.find(split) if inx >= 0: break if inx < 0: return string = string[:inx] buff = string.encode('utf-8').decode('unicode-escape') buff = buff.replace('\\/', '/') buff = buff.encode('utf-8') io = BytesIO(buff) io, best_ids = RewriteDASH().rewrite_dash(io, None) buff ='utf-8') string = json.dumps(buff) string = string[1:-1].replace('<', r'\x3C') string += split string += json.dumps(best_ids) return string
[docs]def rewrite_tw_dash(string, *args): try: best_variant = None best_bitrate = 0 max_bitrate = 5000000 data = json.loads(string) for variant in data["variants"]: if variant["content_type"] != "video/mp4": continue bitrate = variant.get("bitrate") if bitrate and bitrate > best_bitrate and bitrate <= max_bitrate: best_variant = variant best_bitrate = bitrate if best_variant: data["variants"] = [best_variant] string = json.dumps(data) except Exception as e: print(e) return string