Source code for pywb.warcserver.index.cdxobject

try:  # pragma: no cover
    from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from ordereddict import OrderedDict

import six
from six.moves import zip

from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlencode, quote
from six.moves.urllib.parse import parse_qs

from pywb.utils.wbexception import WbException
from warcio.utils import to_native_str

from json import loads as json_decode
from json import dumps as json_encode

URLKEY = 'urlkey'
TIMESTAMP = 'timestamp'
ORIGINAL = 'url'
MIMETYPE = 'mime'
STATUSCODE = 'status'
DIGEST = 'digest'
REDIRECT = 'redirect'
ROBOTFLAGS = 'robotflags'
LENGTH = 'length'
OFFSET = 'offset'
FILENAME = 'filename'

ORIG_LENGTH = 'orig.length'
ORIG_OFFSET = 'orig.offset'
ORIG_FILENAME = 'orig.filename'

[docs]class CDXException(WbException): @property def status_code(self): return 400
[docs]class CDXObject(OrderedDict): """ dictionary object representing parsed CDX line. """ CDX_FORMATS = [ # Public CDX Format [URLKEY, TIMESTAMP, ORIGINAL, MIMETYPE, STATUSCODE, DIGEST, LENGTH], # CDX 11 Format [URLKEY, TIMESTAMP, ORIGINAL, MIMETYPE, STATUSCODE, DIGEST, REDIRECT, ROBOTFLAGS, LENGTH, OFFSET, FILENAME], # CDX 10 Format [URLKEY, TIMESTAMP, ORIGINAL, MIMETYPE, STATUSCODE, DIGEST, REDIRECT, ROBOTFLAGS, OFFSET, FILENAME], # CDX 9 Format [URLKEY, TIMESTAMP, ORIGINAL, MIMETYPE, STATUSCODE, DIGEST, REDIRECT, OFFSET, FILENAME], # CDX 11 Format + 3 revisit resolve fields [URLKEY, TIMESTAMP, ORIGINAL, MIMETYPE, STATUSCODE, DIGEST, REDIRECT, ROBOTFLAGS, LENGTH, OFFSET, FILENAME, ORIG_LENGTH, ORIG_OFFSET, ORIG_FILENAME], # CDX 10 Format + 3 revisit resolve fields [URLKEY, TIMESTAMP, ORIGINAL, MIMETYPE, STATUSCODE, DIGEST, REDIRECT, ROBOTFLAGS, OFFSET, FILENAME, ORIG_LENGTH, ORIG_OFFSET, ORIG_FILENAME], # CDX 9 Format + 3 revisit resolve fields [URLKEY, TIMESTAMP, ORIGINAL, MIMETYPE, STATUSCODE, DIGEST, REDIRECT, OFFSET, FILENAME, ORIG_LENGTH, ORIG_OFFSET, ORIG_FILENAME], ] CDX_ALT_FIELDS = { 'u': ORIGINAL, 'original': ORIGINAL, 'statuscode': STATUSCODE, 's': STATUSCODE, 'mimetype': MIMETYPE, 'm': MIMETYPE, 'l': LENGTH, 's': LENGTH, 'o': OFFSET, 'd': DIGEST, 't': TIMESTAMP, 'k': URLKEY, 'f': FILENAME } def __init__(self, cdxline=b''): OrderedDict.__init__(self) cdxline = cdxline.rstrip() self._from_json = False self._cached_json = None # Allows for filling the fields later or in a custom way if not cdxline: self.cdxline = cdxline return fields = cdxline.split(b' ' , 2) # Check for CDX JSON if fields[-1].startswith(b'{'): self[URLKEY] = to_native_str(fields[0], 'utf-8') self[TIMESTAMP] = to_native_str(fields[1], 'utf-8') json_fields = self.json_decode(to_native_str(fields[-1], 'utf-8')) for n, v in six.iteritems(json_fields): n = to_native_str(n, 'utf-8') n = self.CDX_ALT_FIELDS.get(n, n) if n == 'url': try: v.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: v = quote(v.encode('utf-8'), safe=':/') if n != 'filename': v = to_native_str(v, 'utf-8') or v self[n] = v self.cdxline = cdxline self._from_json = True return more_fields = fields.pop().split(b' ') fields.extend(more_fields) cdxformat = None for i in self.CDX_FORMATS: if len(i) == len(fields): cdxformat = i if not cdxformat: msg = 'unknown {0}-field cdx format: {1}'.format(len(fields), fields) raise CDXException(msg) for header, field in zip(cdxformat, fields): self[header] = to_native_str(field, 'utf-8') self.cdxline = cdxline def __setitem__(self, key, value): OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, key, value) # force regen on next __str__ call self.cdxline = None # force regen on next to_json() call self._cached_json = None
[docs] def is_revisit(self): """return ``True`` if this record is a revisit record.""" return (self.get(MIMETYPE) == 'warc/revisit' or self.get(FILENAME) == '-')
[docs] def to_text(self, fields=None): """ return plaintext CDX record (includes newline). if ``fields`` is ``None``, output will have all fields in the order they are stored. :param fields: list of field names to output. """ if fields is None: if self.cdxline: return to_native_str(self.cdxline, 'utf-8') + '\n' fields = six.iterkeys(self) try: result = ' '.join(str(self.get(x, '-')) for x in fields) + '\n' except KeyError as ke: msg = 'Invalid field "{0}" found in fields= argument' msg = msg.format(str(ke)) raise CDXException(msg) return result
[docs] def to_json(self, fields=None): return self.conv_to_json(self, fields)
[docs] @staticmethod def conv_to_json(obj, fields=None): """ return cdx as json dictionary string if ``fields`` is ``None``, output will include all fields in order stored, otherwise only specified fields will be included :param fields: list of field names to output """ if fields is None: return json_encode(OrderedDict(((x, obj[x]) for x in obj if not x.startswith('_')))) + '\n' result = json_encode(OrderedDict([(x, obj[x]) for x in fields if x in obj])) + '\n' return result
def __str__(self): if self.cdxline: return to_native_str(self.cdxline, 'utf-8') if not self._from_json: return ' '.join(str(val) for val in six.itervalues(self)) else: return json_encode(self)
[docs] def to_cdxj(self, fields=None): prefix = self['urlkey'] + ' ' + self['timestamp'] + ' ' dupe = OrderedDict(list(self.items())[2:]) return prefix + self.conv_to_json(dupe, fields)
def __lt__(self, other): if not self._cached_json: self._cached_json = self.to_json() if not other._cached_json: other._cached_json = other.to_json() res = self._cached_json < other._cached_json return res def __le__(self, other): if not self._cached_json: self._cached_json = self.to_json() if not other._cached_json: other._cached_json = other.to_json() res = (self._cached_json <= other._cached_json) return res
[docs] @classmethod def json_decode(cls, string): return json_decode(string, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
[docs]class IDXObject(OrderedDict): FORMAT = ['urlkey', 'part', 'offset', 'length', 'lineno'] NUM_REQ_FIELDS = len(FORMAT) - 1 # lineno is an optional field def __init__(self, idxline): OrderedDict.__init__(self) idxline = idxline.rstrip() fields = idxline.split(b'\t') if len(fields) < self.NUM_REQ_FIELDS: msg = 'invalid idx format: {0} fields found, {1} required' raise CDXException(msg.format(len(fields), self.NUM_REQ_FIELDS)) for header, field in zip(self.FORMAT, fields): self[header] = to_native_str(field, 'utf-8') self['offset'] = int(self['offset']) self['length'] = int(self['length']) lineno = self.get('lineno') if lineno: self['lineno'] = int(lineno) self.idxline = idxline
[docs] def to_text(self, fields=None): """ return plaintext IDX record (including newline). :param fields: list of field names to output (currently ignored) """ return str(self) + '\n'
[docs] def to_json(self, fields=None): return json_encode(self) + '\n'
def __str__(self): return to_native_str(self.idxline, 'utf-8')