Source code for pywb.warcserver.index.zipnum

import datetime
import itertools
import json
import logging
import os
from io import BytesIO

import six
from warcio.bufferedreaders import gzip_decompressor

from pywb.utils.binsearch import iter_range, linearsearch, search
from import no_except_close
from pywb.utils.loaders import BlockLoader, read_last_line
from pywb.warcserver.index.cdxobject import CDXException, CDXObject, IDXObject
# from pywb.warcserver.index.cdxsource import CDXSource
from pywb.warcserver.index.indexsource import BaseIndexSource
from pywb.warcserver.index.query import CDXQuery

# ============================================================================
[docs]class ZipBlocks(object): def __init__(self, part, offset, length, count): self.part = part self.offset = offset self.length = length self.count = count
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[docs]class AlwaysJsonResponse(dict):
[docs] def to_json(self, *args): return json.dumps(self)
[docs] def to_text(self, *args): return json.dumps(self)
[docs] def to_cdxj(self, *args): return json.dumps(self)
# ============================================================================ #TODO: see if these could be combined with warc path resolvers
[docs]class LocMapResolver(object): """ Lookup shards based on a file mapping shard name to one or more paths. The entries are tab delimited. """ def __init__(self, loc_summary, loc_filename): # initial loc map self.loc_map = {} self.loc_mtime = 0 if not loc_filename: splits = os.path.splitext(loc_summary) loc_filename = splits[0] + '.loc' self.loc_filename = loc_filename self.load_loc()
[docs] def load_loc(self): # check modified time of current file before loading new_mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.loc_filename) if (new_mtime == self.loc_mtime): return # update loc file mtime self.loc_mtime = new_mtime local_dir = os.path.dirname(self.loc_filename) def res_path(pathname): if '://' not in pathname: pathname = os.path.join(local_dir, pathname) return pathname logging.debug('Loading loc from: ' + self.loc_filename) with open(self.loc_filename, 'r') as fh: for line in fh: parts = line.rstrip().split('\t') paths = [res_path(pathname) for pathname in parts[1:]] self.loc_map[parts[0]] = paths
def __call__(self, part, query): return self.loc_map[part]
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[docs]class LocPrefixResolver(object): """ Use a prefix lookup, where the prefix can either be a fixed string or can be a regex replacement of the index summary path """ def __init__(self, loc_summary, loc_config): import re loc_match = loc_config.get('match', '().*') loc_replace = loc_config['replace'] loc_summary = os.path.dirname(loc_summary) + '/' self.prefix = re.sub(loc_match, loc_replace, loc_summary)
[docs] def load_loc(self): pass
def __call__(self, part, query): return [self.prefix + part]
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[docs]class ZipNumIndexSource(BaseIndexSource): DEFAULT_RELOAD_INTERVAL = 10 # in minutes DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCKS = 10 IDX_EXT = ('.idx', '.summary') def __init__(self, summary, config=None): self.max_blocks = self.DEFAULT_MAX_BLOCKS self.loc_resolver = None self.config = config or {} loc = None cookie_maker = None reload_ival = self.DEFAULT_RELOAD_INTERVAL if config: loc = config.get('shard_index_loc') cookie_maker = config.get('cookie_maker') self.max_blocks = config.get('max_blocks', self.max_blocks) reload_ival = config.get('reload_interval', reload_ival) if isinstance(loc, dict): self.loc_resolver = LocPrefixResolver(summary, loc) else: self.loc_resolver = LocMapResolver(summary, loc) self.summary = summary # reload interval self.loc_update_time = self.reload_interval = datetime.timedelta(minutes=reload_ival) self.blk_loader = BlockLoader(cookie_maker=cookie_maker)
[docs] def load_index(self, params): self.loc_resolver.load_loc() return self._do_load_cdx(self.summary, CDXQuery(params))
def _do_load_cdx(self, filename, query): reader = open(filename, 'rb') idx_iter = self.compute_page_range(reader, query) if query.secondary_index_only: def gen_idx(): for idx in idx_iter: yield IDXObject(idx) return gen_idx() if query.page_count: return idx_iter blocks = self.idx_to_cdx(idx_iter, query) def gen_cdx(): for blk in blocks: for cdx in blk: yield CDXObject(cdx) return gen_cdx() def _page_info(self, pages, pagesize, blocks): info = AlwaysJsonResponse( pages=pages, pageSize=pagesize, blocks=blocks) return info
[docs] def compute_page_range(self, reader, query): pagesize = query.page_size if not pagesize: pagesize = self.max_blocks else: try: pagesize = int(pagesize) except ValueError: msg = 'Invalid value for pageSize= param: {}' raise CDXException(msg.format(pagesize)) last_line = None # Get End end_iter = search(reader, query.end_key, prev_size=1) try: end_line = except StopIteration: last_line = read_last_line(reader) end_line = last_line # Get Start first_iter = iter_range(reader, query.key, query.end_key, prev_size=1) try: first_line = except StopIteration: if end_line == last_line and query.key >= last_line: first_line = last_line else: no_except_close(reader) if query.page_count: yield self._page_info(0, pagesize, 0) return first = IDXObject(first_line) end = IDXObject(end_line) try: blocks = end['lineno'] - first['lineno'] total_pages = int(blocks / pagesize) + 1 except: blocks = -1 total_pages = 1 if query.page_count: # same line, so actually need to look at cdx # to determine if it exists if blocks == 0: try: block_cdx_iter = self.idx_to_cdx([first_line], query) block = cdx = except StopIteration: total_pages = 0 blocks = -1 yield self._page_info(total_pages, pagesize, blocks + 1) no_except_close(reader) return curr_page = if curr_page >= total_pages or curr_page < 0: msg = 'Page {0} invalid: First Page is 0, Last Page is {1}' no_except_close(reader) raise CDXException(msg.format(curr_page, total_pages - 1)) startline = curr_page * pagesize endline = startline + pagesize - 1 if blocks >= 0: endline = min(endline, blocks) if curr_page == 0: yield first_line else: startline -= 1 try: idxiter = itertools.islice(first_iter, startline, endline) for idx in idxiter: yield idx except Exception: pass finally: no_except_close(reader)
[docs] def search_by_line_num(self, reader, line): # pragma: no cover def line_cmp(line1, line2): line1_no = int(line1.rsplit(b'\t', 1)[-1]) line2_no = int(line2.rsplit(b'\t', 1)[-1]) return cmp(line1_no, line2_no) line_iter = search(reader, line, compare_func=line_cmp) yield
[docs] def idx_to_cdx(self, idx_iter, query): blocks = None ranges = [] for idx in idx_iter: idx = IDXObject(idx) if (blocks and blocks.part == idx['part'] and blocks.offset + blocks.length == idx['offset'] and blocks.count < self.max_blocks): blocks.length += idx['length'] blocks.count += 1 ranges.append(idx['length']) else: if blocks: yield self.block_to_cdx_iter(blocks, ranges, query) blocks = ZipBlocks(idx['part'], idx['offset'], idx['length'], 1) ranges = [blocks.length] if blocks: yield self.block_to_cdx_iter(blocks, ranges, query)
[docs] def block_to_cdx_iter(self, blocks, ranges, query): last_exc = None last_traceback = None try: locations = self.loc_resolver(blocks.part, query) except: raise Exception('No Locations Found for: ' + blocks.part) for location in self.loc_resolver(blocks.part, query): try: return self.load_blocks(location, blocks, ranges, query) except Exception as exc: last_exc = exc import sys last_traceback = sys.exc_info()[2] if last_exc: six.reraise(Exception, last_exc, last_traceback) #raise last_exc else: raise Exception('No Locations Found for: ' + blocks.part)
[docs] def load_blocks(self, location, blocks, ranges, query): """ Load one or more blocks of compressed cdx lines, return a line iterator which decompresses and returns one line at a time, bounded by query.key and query.end_key """ if (logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG): msg = 'Loading {b.count} blocks from {loc}:{b.offset}+{b.length}' logging.debug(msg.format(b=blocks, loc=location)) reader = self.blk_loader.load(location, blocks.offset, blocks.length) def decompress_block(range_): decomp = gzip_decompressor() buff = decomp.decompress( for line in BytesIO(buff): yield line def iter_blocks(reader): try: for r in ranges: yield decompress_block(r) finally: no_except_close(reader) # iterate over all blocks iter_ = itertools.chain.from_iterable(iter_blocks(reader)) # start bound iter_ = linearsearch(iter_, query.key) # end bound iter_ = itertools.takewhile(lambda line: line < query.end_key, iter_) return iter_
def __repr__(self): return 'ZipNumIndexSource({0}, {1})'.format(self.summary, self.config) def __str__(self): return 'zipnum' def __eq__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return False return (self.summary == other.summary and self.config == other.config)
[docs] @classmethod def init_from_string(cls, value): is_zipnum = False if value.startswith('zipnum+'): value = value[7:] is_zipnum = True if value.startswith('file://'): value = value[7:] if is_zipnum or value.endswith(cls.IDX_EXT): return cls(value, None)
[docs] @classmethod def init_from_config(cls, config): if config['type'] != 'zipnum': return return cls(config['path'], config)